Farmer interests to be protected during Pune district land acquisition

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A day after violent protests in Maval taluka against the Pavana pipeline project, district collector Vikas Deshmukh on Wednesday said that farmers’ interests will be protected in the ongoing and forthcoming land acquisition proposals in Pune district. Deshmukh said that the administration will ensure that the farmers get a good compensation and there will be no injustice done while acquiring their land.

“Pune district is undergoing transformation. New industrial projects are coming. Urbanisation is happening fast. The administration cannot stop land acquisition completely as land is needed for development of new industrial areas and special projects. However, we will ensure that the farmers’ interests will be protected,” he said. He said land-related issues will be resolved mutually through talks. There will no forceful land acquisition that would cause injustice to farmers. Steps were being taken by the administration to work out an amicable solution to tackle land acquisition issues in the district, he added.

“Communication with farmers on land acquisition procedures has become vital as it clears doubts and prevents complications. The administration has been holding talks with farmers and villagers in the district. If required, such communication would be increased,” he said.

He said that some ongoing projects in the district have halted as the process of negotiation and talks with the farmers were underway. All issues will be handled with care and attention, he said.

Deshmukh referred to rehabilitation cases resolved by him in Satara district through talks with farmers during his tenure as collector there. Similar initiatives could be worked out here, he said.

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Published on Pune Real Estate News

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